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The Research Like a Pro Genealogy Podcast

Aug 28, 2023

Today's episode of Research Like a Pro is about the Georgia land lottery, how it worked, and how it was used as part of a case showing that Thomas Beverly Royston was the son of John Royston. Join us as we talk about the historical context of the Georgia land lottery and the Royston case.


John Royston’s Orphan:...

Aug 21, 2023

Today's episode of Research Like a Pro is about Daniel Henrie and his membership in the Mormon Battalion. The 52 ancestors prompt that brought about this post was about membership in a broader community - what churches, clubs, fraternal organizations, service groups, or military units did your ancestors belong...

Aug 14, 2023

Today's episode of Research Like a Pro is about an outcast in our family tree. Diana shares how she responded to the 52 Ancestors prompt to write about an ancestor who was an outcast. She chose William "Dick" Shults, who fled town after a gunfight and settled in Arizona. He made it into the newspapers several times...

Aug 7, 2023

Today's episode of Research Like a Pro is about Diana's grandfather, Edward Raymond Kelsey, and the cabin he acquired to house his antique collection. Diana found out more about the cabin through cousins' social media posts. We discuss the value of connecting with cousins through social media and learn about the history...